TEMEP Faculty

Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program
허은녕 교수 사진
Eunnyeong Heo Professor

Fields of Interest

  • Energy and Mineral Economics
  • Technology Economics
  • Energy Market Analysis
  • Environmental Management and ESG
  • Valuation of Technology and Environmental Assets


  • Ph.D. (1996) in Mineral Economics, the Pennsylvania State University, USA.
  • M.S. (1989) in Resource Economics, Dept. of. Mineral and Petroleum Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea.
  • B.S. (1987) in Mineral and Petroleum Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea.

Work Experience

  • 2023~present Member, Faculty Ethics Committee of Seoul National University
  • 2022~present Independent Director, Samsung Electronics Co.
  • 2022~present Vice Dean, Graduate School of Engineering Practice
  • 2022~present President, Korea Energy Law Institute
  • 2021~2022 President, Faculty Council of Seoul National University College of Engineering
  • 2018~2022 President, Korea Society of Innovation
  • 2019~2022 President, Korean Resource Economics Association
  • 2017~2019 Vice president, International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE)
  • 2016~present Editor, The Energy Journal
  • 2016~2022 Independent Director, LX International (formerly LG International)
  • 2015~present Vice president, Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy
  • 2013~2017 Member, Committee on Green Growth
  • 2013~2015 Member, National Economic Advisory Council
  • 2011~2019 Member PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
  • 2010~present Member, National Committee on Energy Policy
  • 1996~present Professor, Seoul National University, College of Engineering


  • 2021.02. Lifetime Achievement Award, Korean Resource Economics Association 한국자원경제학회 공로상
  • 2017. 12. Minister Commendation, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 산업통상자원부장관 표창
  • 2015. 11. Minister Commendation, Ministry of the Interior and Safety 행정자치부장관 표창
  • 2014. 11. Academic Achievement Award, Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers 한국자원공학회 학술상
  • 2014. 11. Lifetime Achievement Award, Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy 한국신・재생에너지학회 공로상
  • 2011. 3. 2010 Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Engineering, Seoul National University 서울대학교 공과대학 우수강의교수상
  • 2005. 12. Best Academic Paper Award, Korean Resource Economics Association 한국자원경제학회 최우수논문상
  • 2002. 4. 2001 Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Engineering, Seoul National University 서울대학교 공과대학 우수강의교수상
  • 1996. 3. Best Student Presentation MEMS Award by Alcan Co., Mineral Economics and Management Society (MEMS) Fifth Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. Alcan 최우수학생논문상, MEMS 5회 학술대회

Books and Chapters

  • 서울대학교 공과대학 (공저), 『우리는 미래에 살고 있다』 (2020) 창비교육
  • 임현묵 외 (공저), 『우리의 지속가능한 에너지』 (2017) 유네스코한국위원회
  • 김태유, 허은녕 (공역), 『황금의 샘 (증보판)』 (2017) 라의눈, Korean translation of Daniel Yergin (2008) 『The Prize : the epic quest for oil, money & power』
  • 전의찬 외 (공저), 『기후변화, 27인의 전문가가 답하다』 (2016) 지오북
  • 차동형 외 (공저), 『리더들이 꼭 알아야 할 에너지기술』 (2015) 지오북
  • 김현태 외 (공저), 『해외자원개발금융』 (2011) 한국금융연수원출판사
  • 허은녕, 김태유, 이수갑 (공역), 『에너지디자인』 (2008) 창비, Korean translation of Vaclav Smil (2003) 『Energy at the Crossroads』
  • 윤영창 외 (공저) 『남북한환경정책 비교연구 I. 자연환경, 자원 및 에너지』, 서울대학교 통일학 연구총서 4, (2008) 서울대학교출판사
  • 노태천 외 (공저) 『공학기술과 인간사회』 (2005) 한국공학교육학회, 지호
  • 김태유, 허은녕 (공역) 『자원의 지배』 (2002), 세종연구원, Korean translation of Michael T. Klare (2002) 『Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict』


  1. Oh, Surim, S. Kim, I. Cho; Z.H.K. and E.Heo (2023) “Myanmar’s Decision-Making Structure for the Introduction of Renewable Energy,” Journal of Cleaner Production No. 413 (article 137254) Aug 2023
  2. Cho, I., E. Heo and J. Park (2021) “Water resource R&D efficiency in Korea - Toward sustainable integrated water resources management,” Water Policy, 23(3), June. 2021, p.581-598.
  3. Kim, S., J. Kim and E. Heo (2021) “Speculative incentives to hoard aluminum: Relationship between capital gains and inventories,” Resources Policy, Vol.70, Mar. 2021, p.101901.
  4. Cho, I., S. Oh, S. Kim, F. Ardin and E. Heo (2021) “Determinants of Nuclear Power Expansion in Indonesia”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 53(1), pp.314-321. (IF: 1.846)
  5. Kim, E. and E. Heo (2019) “Key Drivers behind the Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Korea: An Analysis of the Revealed Preferences”, Sustainability, Vol. 11(23), Dec 2019. p.6854.
  6. Kim, Y., S. Kim, J. Baek and E. Heo (2019) “The Linkages between Democracy and the Environment: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries”, Energy and Environment, Vol. 30(5), August 2019. pp. 821-832.
  7. Kim, S., S. Jeong and E. Heo (2019) “Effects of the shale boom on ethylene and propylene prices”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 14(3), May 2019, pp.49-66.
  8. Kim, S., J. Baek and E. Heo (2019) “A New Look at the Democracy–Environment Nexus: Evidence from Panel Data for High- and Low-Income Countries”, Sustainability, Vol 11(8), April 2019, p.2353.
  9. Kim, S., J. Baek and E. Heo (2019) “Crude oil inventories: The two faces of Janus”, Empirical Economics, March 2019
  10. An, H. J., J. H. Yoon, Y. S. An and E. Heo (2018) “Heating and Cooling Performance of Office Buildings with a-Si BIPV Windows Considering Operating Conditions in Temperate Climates: The Case of Korea”, Sustainability, Vol 10(12), Dec. 2018, p.4856.
  11. Choi, G., Heo, E., & Lee, C. Y. (2018). Dynamic Economic Analysis of Subsidies for New and Renewable Energy in South Korea. Sustainability, 10(6), 1832.
  12. Cho, I., Park, J., & Heo, E. (2018). Measuring Knowledge Diffusion in Water Resources Research and Development: The Case of Korea. Sustainability, 10(8), 2944.
  13. Choi, G., S. Huh, E. Heo and C. Lee (2018) “Price versus quantities: Comparing economic efficiency of feed-in tariff and renewable portfolio standard in promoting renewable electricity generation”, Energy Policy, Vol.113, Feb. 2018, pp.239-248. (IF: 4.140)
  14. Niyazmuradov Shohrat and Eunnyeong Heo (2018) “Long-term natural gas contracts evolution in the changing industry environment”, Geosystem Engineering, 21:1, Feb. 2018, pp.12-20.
  15. Bae, J. Y. and E. Heo (2018) “Armed Conflict in the Middle East and International Oil Company Returns”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 13(1), Jan. 2018, pp.21-27. (IF: 1.150)
  16. Shin, C., J. Baek and E. Heo (2018) “Do oil price changes have symmetric or asymmetric effects on Korea’s demand for imported crude oil?”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 13(1) Jan. 2018, pp.6~12. (IF: 1.150)
  17. Choi, G. and E. Heo (2017) “Estimating the price premium of LNG in Korea and Japan: The price formula approach”, Energy Policy, Vol.109, Oct. 2017, pp.676-684. (IF: 4.140)
  18. 배지영, 허은녕 (2017) “사건연구 방법론을 이용한 OPEC 생산량 발표의 원유시장 영향 분석”, 자원‧환경경제연구, 제26권 제3호 (2017년 9월) pp.451~472.
  19. Kim, S., J. Kim and E. Heo (2017) “Convenience yield of accessible inventories and imports: A case study of the Chinese copper market”, Resources Policy, 52, June 2017, pp.277-283. (IF: 2.618)
  20. Bae, Jee Young, Youah Lee and Eunnyeong Heo (2017) “Effect of Middle East conflicts on oil company returns”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 12(3), March 2017, pp. 243-249. (IF: 1.150)
  21. Park, J., E. Heo, and D. Lee (2017) “Effective R&D investment planning based on technology spillovers: the case of Korea”, Scientometrics, 111, Feb. 2017, pp.67-82. (IF: 2.147)
  22. Kim, Kyunam, Eunnyeong Heo and Yeonbae Kim (2017) “Dynamic policy impacts on technological change system of renewable energy: An empirical analysis”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 66(2), Feb. 2017, pp.205-236 (IF: 1.582)

Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program