TEMEP Faculty

Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program
김연배 교수 사진
Yeonbae Kim Professor

Fields of Interest

  • Tech Innovation and Public Policy, Firms' Strategy, National Institutions and (National and Organizational) Culture/ Social Responsibility/ RIS
  • Sectoral Innovation, Energy & Environment, IT, BT, Emerging Techs,
  • Commercialization of Technology, Intellectual Property Rights, Techs Alliances, Technology Transfer, Financing and Entrepreneurship
  • Data Analysis, Patent Analysis


  • Ph.D. in Engineering (Resource and Energy Economics), Seoul National University, February 1998
  • M.A, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, February 1994
  • B.A, Mineral and Petroleum Engineering, Seoul National University, February 1991

Work Experience

  • 2024. 3~ : 기술경영경제학회, 회장
  • 2023. 3~ : 공학한림원 정책 위원회 위원
  • 2023. 3 ~ : 2024. 1 기술경영경제학회, 부편집위원장
  • 2022. 4~ : 2023. 3 기술경영경제학회, 편집위원장
  • 2021. 5~ : 한국중소기업학회, 부회장
  • 2021. 4~ : 서울대 IEPP 총괄책임
  • 2021. 2~ : 2023. 2 공학한림원 포럼운영 위원회 위원
  • 2021. 1~ : 공학한림원 정회원
  • 2021. 1~ : 한국모빌리티학회 부회장
  • 2021 : 공학한림원 정책총서 발간 위원회 위원 (탄소중립 부문)
  • 2020. 9~ : 국가연구개발사업평가 분과위원회 민간위원
  • 2020. 4~2022. 2 : 기술경영경제학회, 학술위원장
  • 2020. 1~2021. 12 : 한국자원공학회, 정책이사
  • 2019. 3~ : 한국자원경제학회, 위원
  • 2018. 12~2019.10 : Associated Editor in Chief, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
  • 2018. 3~2022. 2 : 한국혁신학회, 이사
  • 2022. 3~2024. 2 : 기술경영경제학회, 부회장
  • 2018. 2~ : 기술경영경제학회, 이사
  • 2017. 3~ : 서울대학교 협동과정 기술경영경제정책 전공 & 공학전문대학원 응용공학과, 교수
  • 2015. 9~2017. 2 : 서울대학교 협동과정 기술경영경제정책 전공 부교수
  • 2011. 3~2015. 8 : 서울대학교 협동과정 기술경영경제정책 전공 기금 부교수
  • 2007. 2~2011. 2 : 서울대학교 협동과정 기술경영경제정책전공 기금 조교수
  • 2005. 1~2007. 2 : 서울대 기술정책대학원과정, BK21 계약조교수
  • 2001. 3~2004. 4 : 한국전자통신연구원, 선임연구원, 기술혁신정책연구팀
  • 2000. 4~2001. 3 : Visiting scholar, Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
  • 학위 배출 (2008~2024 8)
  • 박사: 26명 (공학, 경제학)
  • 석사: 60명 (공학, 경제학, 경영학, 행정학)


  • Best researcher award, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, February 2014
  • Best teacher award, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, March 2012

Books and Chapters

  • Tai-Yoo Kim, Jungwoo Shin, Yeonbae Kim and Jeong-Dong Lee (2014), The Relationship Among Stock Markets, Banks, Economic Growth, and Industry Development, in Tai-Yoo Kim and Almas Heshmati (Eds.) Economic Theory: new perspectives for theory and policy, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
  • Tai-Yoo Kim, Yoonmo Koo, Dong Ook Choi and Yeonbae Kim (2014), The Necessity of a New Industrial Classification Based on Value-Creation Behavior, in Tai-Yoo Kim and Almas Heshmati (Eds.) Economic Theory: new perspectives for theory and policy, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
  • 김태유, 김연배, 한국의시간, 샘앤파커스, 2021


  • 서울대학교 글로벌 에너지정책 전문가 양성사업 (IEPP), 2021년 4월~, 한국에너지기술평가원, 산업통상자원부 (연구책임)
  • 서울대학교 스마트시티 글로벌 융합혁신인재양성 교육연구단, 2020 9월 ~, 교육부 (참여연구원)
  • 한국연구재단 과학기술분야 연구지원 사회경제적 효과분석, 2019 12월 ~ 2020 11월, 한국연구재단 (연구책임)
  • 기술사업화 활성화 방안에 대한 연구: 국가문화적 접근을 통한 기업전략과 국가정책에 대한 제언, 2016년 5월 ~ 2017년 5월, 융복합 연구과제, 서울대학교 (연구책임)
  • 우리나라에 적합한 PNG 계약가격 모델 정립에 관한 연구, 한국가스공사, 2015년 7월~ 2016년 7월 (연구책임)
  • 서울대학교 자원개발정책전문가과정 (글로벌에너지정책전문가양성사업), 2015년 5월~ 2020년 12월, 한국에너지기술평가원, 산업통상자원부 (연구책임, 참여연구원)


  1. Junwoo Yu , Jung Min Lee & Yeonbae Kim (2022): Effects of voluntary R&D disclosure on business performance: empirical evidence from Korean manufacturing firms, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 30:2, 295-312
  2. Kyung Seo, Yeonbae Kim, Kyunam Kim (2022), Strategic and economic behavior of a sued company in patent litigation, Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume 43, Issue 8, Dec, Pages 4124-4138
  3. Changhyeon Song, Kyung Min Park, Yeonbae Kim (2020), Socio-cultural factors explaining technology-based entrepreneurial activity: Direct and indirect role of social security, Technology in Society, Volume 61, May, 101246
  4. Jung Min Lee, Si Hyoung Joo and Yeonbae Kim (2018), The complementary effect of intellectual property protection mechanisms on product innovation performance, R&D Management, Volume 48, Issue 3, June, pages 320-330
  5. Donghyuk Choi and Yeonbae Kim (2018), Market share and firms’patent exploitation, Technovation, Volumes 72–73, April–May, Pages 13-23
  6. Sojin Lim and Yeonbae Kim (2015), How to Design Public Venture Capital Funds: Empirical Evidence from South Korea, Journal of Small Business Management, Volume 53, Issue 4, October, pages 843-867
  7. Seongkyoon Jeong, Sungki Lee and Yeonbae Kim (2013), Licensing versus selling in transactions for exploiting patented technological knowledge assets in the markets for technology, Journal of Technology Transfer, Volume 38, Issue 3, June, pp. 251~272
  8. Jeong Woo Choi, Kyunam Kim and Yeonbae Kim, Corporate strategies to protect software innovation: Empirical evidences from South Korea, Managerial and Decision Economics, published online, 29 July 2024, https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.4313
  9. Laxman Prasad Ghimire, Yeonbae Kim and Nawa Raj Dhakal (2023), Which Policies and Factors Drive Electric Vehicle Use in Nepal?, Energies, 16(21), 7428; https://doi.org/10.3390/en16217428
  10. Dongwoo Lee & Yeonbae Kim (2022): First-mover advantages and intentional knowledge spillover effects on cybersecurity start-ups’ financial and innovation performance: incentive for revealing innovations in high-tech emerging industry, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Published online: 24 Nov 2022
  11. Hanee Ryu, Yeonbae Kim, Pilseong Jang and Sergio Aldana (2020), Restructuring and Reliability in the Electricity Industry of OECD Countries: Investigating Causal Relations between Market Reform and Power Supply, Energies, 13(18), 4746, September
  12. Eunok Ko, Jungsub Yoon & Yeonbae Kim (2020), Why do newly industrialized economies deter to adopt responsible research and innovation?: the case of emerging technologies in Korea, Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages: 620-645
  13. Laxman Prasad Ghimire and Yeonbae Kim (2018), An analysis on barriers to renewable energy development in the context of Nepal using AHP, Renewable Energy, Volume 129, Part A, December, Pages 446-456
  14. Kyunam Kim, Eunnyeong Heo, Yeonbae Kim (2017), Dynamic Policy Impacts on a Technological-Change System of Renewable Energy: An Empirical Analysis, Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 66, Issue 2, February, pp 205–236, doi:10.1007/s10640-015-9946-5
  15. Jung-Ah Hwang and Yeonbae Kim (2017), Effects of Environmental Regulations on Trade Flow in Manufacturing Sectors: Comparison of Static and Dynamic Effects of Environmental Regulations, Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 26, Issue 5, pp. 688-706, July DOI: 10.1002/bse.1949
  16. Hanee Ryu, Shonkhor Dorjragchaa, Yeonbae Kim, and Kyunam Kim (2014), Electricity-generation mix considering energy security and carbon emission mitigation: Case of Korea and Mongolia, Energy, Volume 64, 1, January, Pages 1071-1079
  17. Kim, Jihwan, Yeonbae Kim and David Flacher (2012), R&D Investment of Electricity-Generating Firms Following Industry Restructuring, Energy Policy, Volume 48, September, Pages 103-117
  18. Kim, Jihwan, Yunhee Kim, Noel Gaston, Romain Lestage, Yeonbae Kim, and David Flacher (2011), Access regulation and infrastructure investment in the mobile telecommunications industry, Telecommunications Policy, Volume 35, Issue 11, December, Pages 907-919
  19. Kynam Kim and Yeonbae Kim (2012), International comparison of industrial CO2 emission trends and the energy efficiency paradox utilizing production-based decomposition, Energy Economics, Volume 34, Issue 5, September, Pages 1724-1741
  20. Choi, Dong Ook, Jongeun Oh, Yeonbae Kim and Junseok Hwang (2012), Competition in the Korean Internet Portal Market: Network Effects, Profit, and Market Efficiency, Review of Industrial Organization, Volume 40, Number 1, February, Pages 51-73
  21. Ahn, Jiwoon, Gicheol Jeong, Yeonbae Kim (2008), A Forecast of Household Ownership and Use of Alternative Fuel Vehicles: A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choice Approach, Energy Economics, Volume 30, Issue 5, September 2008, Pages 2091-2104
  22. Lee, Chul-Yong, Jeong-Dong Lee, Yeonbae Kim (2008), Demand forecasting for new technology with a short history in a competitive environment: the case of the home networking market in South Korea, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 75, Issue 1, January, Pages 91-106
  23. Jong-su Lee, Yeonbae Kim, Jeong-Dong Lee and Yuri Park (2006), Estimating the Extent of Potential Competition in the Korean Mobile Telecommunications Market: Switching Costs and Number Portability, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 24, January, 107-124
  24. Kim, Yeonbae and Ernst Worrell (2002), International Comparison of CO2 Emission Trends in the Iron and Steel Industry, Energy Policy, vol. 30, Issue 10, August, 827-838.
  25. Eun-Hee Kim and Yeonbae Kim (2023), Can innovation be induced by state involvement in the market? Evidence within an expanded framework of Hall & Soskice (2001), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics Volume 66, September 2023, Pages 264-284
  26. Eun-Hee Kim and Yeonbae Kim (2021), Moving beyond the dichotomy of Hall & Soskice (2001): the State’s Role in economic growth, Economic Analysis and Policy Vol. 72, December, 530-548
  27. Eunok Ko & Yeonbae Kim (2020), Why Do Firms Implement Responsible Innovation? The Case of Emerging Technologies in South Korea, Science and Engineering Ethics, Volume 26, issue 5, October 2020, Pages: 2663 - 2692
  28. Seokkyun Woo, Pilseong Jang, Yeonbae Kim (2015), Effects of Intellectual Property Rights and Patented Knowledge in Innovation and Industry Value Added: A multinational empirical analysis of different industries, Technovation, Volume 43-44, September-October, pages 49-63 (SSCI)
  29. Kyunam Kim and Yeonbae Kim (2015), Role of policy in innovation and international trade of renewable energy technology: Empirical study of solar PV and wind power technology, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 44, April, Pages 717-727
  30. Romain Lestage, David Flacher, Yeonbae Kim, Jihwan Kim, Yunhee Kim (2013), Competition and Investment in Telecommunications: does competition have the same impact on investment by private and state-owned firms?, Information Economics and Policy, Volume 25, Issue 1, March Pages 41-50 (SSCI)
  31. Donghyuk Choi, Sungki Lee, and Yeonbae Kim (2012), The complementarities and contextualities of corporate R&D strategies: An empirical analysis of Korean manufacturing industry, Journal of Management & Organization, Volume 18, Issue 3, Pages 311-333 (SSCI)
  32. Joo, Si Hyung and Yeonbae Kim (2010), Measuring relatedness between technological fields, Scientometrics, Volume 83, Issue 2, May, pages 435-454 (SSCI)

Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program