TEMEP Faculty

Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program
황준석 교수 사진
Junseok Hwang Professor

Fields of Interest

  • Network Economics
  • Network Performance and Efficiency
  • Next Generation Internet
  • Spectrum Allocation Policy
  • Technological Innovation in Information and Communication Technology
  • Broadcasting and Telecommunication Policy
  • Convergence Policys


  • B.S. in Mathematics, College of Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
  • M.S. in Telecommunications, School of Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, U.S.
  • Ph.D in Information Science and Telecommunivations, University of Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.

Work Experience

  • - 2023.1~ : Director of ASEAN Smart City Professional Program
  • - 2022.2~ : Project Manager of EDCF Consulting Consortium for the Establishment of the Centers of Excellence for Adama Science and Technology University, Seoul, Korea
  • - 2020.9~ : Director of Seoul National University Innovative Human Resource Development Education and Research Group for Smart City Global Convergence, Seoul, Korea
  • - 2019.4~ : Director of Global R&DB Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • - 2003.1~ : Director of International Technology Professional Program, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • - 2010~ : Professor of Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • - 2005.10 ~ : 2010 Associate Professor of Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • - 2003.8 ~ : 2005.9 Assistant Professor of Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • - 2000 ~ : 2003.8 Assistant Professor of Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA


  1. Hur, J., Hwang, J., & Kim, K. (2024). The role of design engineers: Evidence from intra-firm knowledge and collaboration networks. Plos one, 19(2), e0298089.
  2. Na, H. S., Hwang, J., & Kim, H. (2023). Which Attributes Should be Considered in Regulating the Internet of Things? Evidence From Conjoint Analysis. SAGE Open, 13(4), 21582440231209806.
  3. Nizeyimana, E., Hanyurwimfura, D., Hwang, J., Nsenga, J., & Regassa, D. (2023). Prototype of Monitoring Transportation Pollution Spikes through the Internet of Things Edge Networks. Sensors, 23(21), 8941.
  4. Regassa, D., Yeom, H. Y., & Hwang, J. (2023). ESH: Design and Implementation of an Optimal Hashing Scheme for Persistent Memory. Applied Sciences, 13(20), 11528.
  5. Jung, H., Hwang, J., & Kim, E. (2023). How to leverage the impact of firm-specific uncertainty on innovation performance? Moderating effects of alliance stage and partner type in the pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 70, 101781.
  6. Jeong, D., Park, C., Kang, T., Shin, K., Choi, S., & Hwang, J. (2023). Measuring ethics level of technological topics using phylogenetic tree. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-14.
  7. Kim, K., Lee, J., Hwang, J., & Kim, E. (2022). Related and unrelated product diversification and collaboration strategies: Comparison between the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39(4), 559-580.
  8. Shin, S. R., Lee, J., Jung, Y. R., & Hwang, J. (2022). The diffusion of scientific discoveries in government laboratories: The role of patents filed by government scientists. Research Policy, 51(5), 104496.
  9. Jung, E., Lee, C., & Hwang, J. (2022). Effective strategies to attract crowdfunding investment based on the novelty of business ideas. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 178, 121558.
  10. Kim, D., & Hwang, J. (2022). Is renewable energy more favorable to diversity than conventional energy sources on R&D performance?. Science and Public Policy, 49(4), 646-658.
  11. Shin, H., & Hwang, J. (2022). Illusions of Clustering: A Systematic Evaluation on the Effects of Clusters on Regional Economic Performance in Korea. International Regional Science Review, 45(2), 135-160.
  12. Lee, J., Kim, K., Kim, J., & Hwang, J. (2022). The relationship between shared mobility and regulation in South Korea: A system dynamics approach from the socio-technical transitions perspective. Technovation, 109, 102327.
  13. Lee, J., Hwang, J., & Kim, H. (2022). Different government support effects on emerging and mature ICT sectors. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 121253.
  14. Nizeyimana, E., Nsenga, J., Shibasaki, R., Hanyurwimfura, D., & Hwang, J. (2022). Design of Smart IoT Device for Monitoring Short-term Exposure to Air Pollution Peaks. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(1), 17-24.
  15. Lee, J., Hwang, J., & Kim, H. (2022). Does diversity make collaborative subsidies effective? ICT sector in Korea. Industry and Innovation, 29(1), 1-24.
  16. Lee, S., Hwang, J., & Cho, E. (2022). Comparing technology convergence of artificial intelligence on the industrial sectors: two-way approaches on network analysis and clustering analysis. Scientometrics, 1-46.
  17. Navas, A., Hwang, J., & Yoon, H. (2021). Configurational paths of organizational and technological innovation to firm performance using fuzzy-set QCA analysis. Latin-American Journal of Computing, 8(2), 72-83.
  18. Kim, K., Hwang, J., Jung, S., & Kim, E. (2021). The Optimal Diversification Strategy in Pharmaceutical Industry: Balance-centred or Hetero-centred?. Science, Technology and Society, 26(2), 272-295.
  19. Kim, D., Jang, S., Jung, S., & Hwang, J. (2021). Assessment of Research Collaborations for Improving Intellectual and Economic Performance in Public Renewable Energy R&D. The Asian Journal of Technology Management, 14(1), 57-72.
  20. Kim, J., Moon, Y., Yoon, J., & Hwang, J. (2021). Improving drinking water reliability from water purification facilities through appropriate technology, in the case of Binh Dinh, Vietnam. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 224, 83-94.
  21. Na, C., Lee, D., Hwang, J., & Lee, C. (2021). Strategic groups emerged by selecting R&D collaboration partners and firms’ efficiency. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 29(1), 109-133.
  22. Shon, M., Shin, J., Hwang, J., & Lee, D. (2021). Free contents vs. inconvenience costs: Two faces of online video advertising. Telematics and Informatics, 56, 101476.
  23. Lee, J., Kim, J., Kim, H., & Hwang, J. (2020). Sustainability of ride-hailing services in China’s mobility market: A simulation model of socio-technical system transition. Telematics and informatics, 53, 101435.
  24. Cha, N., Hwang, J., & Kim, E. (2020). The optimal knowledge creation strategy of organizations in groupthink situations. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 26, 207-235.
  25. Rana, M. S., Prasad, R., Yoon, H., & Hwang, J. (2020). Opportunity cost of spectrum for mobile communications: Evaluation of spectrum prices in Bangladesh. Telecommunications Policy, 44(3), 101925.
  26. Chang, J., & Hwang, J. (2020). The role of media in user participation: Focusing on the knowledge activity in online space. Telematics and Informatics, 51, 101407.
  27. Cha, N., Hwang, J., & Kim, E. (2019). How to improve performance and diversity of Government-Funded Research Institute ecosystem? Focus on result sharing and feedback policy. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 5(3), 66.
  28. Kim, K., Hwang, J., Jung, S., & Kim, E. (2019). Which technology diversification index should be selected?: Insights for diversification perspectives. Cogent Business & Management, 6(1), 1643519.
  29. Shin, H., Hwang, J., & Kim, H. (2019). Appropriate technology for grassroots innovation in developing countries for sustainable development: The case of Laos. Journal of Cleaner Production, 232, 1167-1175.
  30. Kim, E., Hong, A., & Hwang, J. (2019). Polarized labor demand owing to routine-biased technological change: The case of Korea from 1993 to 2015. Telematics and Informatics, 39, 1–10.
  31. Kim, K., Jung, J. & Hwang, J. (2018). Technology convergence capability and firm innovation in the manufacturing sector: an approach based on patent network analysis. R&D Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12350.
  32. Lee, C. & Hwang, J. (2018). The influence of giant platform on content diversity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 136, 157-165.
  33. Borja, S., Kim, K., Yoon, H., & Hwang, J. (2018, August). IT Governance Effectiveness and Its Influence on Innovation Product and Process. In 2018 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  34. Lee, J., Kim, K., Shin, H., & Hwang, J. (2018). Acceptance Factors of Appropriate Technology: Case of Water Purification Systems in Binh Dinh, Vietnam. Sustainability. 10(7), 2255.
  35. Kim, H., Lee, H., Cho, H., Kim, E., & Hwang, J. (2018). Replacing Self-Efficacy in Physical Activity: Unconscious Intervention of the AR Game, Pokémon GO. Sustainability, 10(6), 1971.
  36. Moon, Y., & Hwang, J. (2018). Crowdfunding as an Alternative Means for Funding Sustainable Appropriate Technology: Acceptance Determinants of Backers. Sustainability, 10(5), 1456.
  37. Kim, K., Jung, S., Hwang, J., & Hong, A. (2018). A dynamic framework for analzying technology standardization using network analysis and game theory. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 30(5), 540-555.
  38. Kim, H., Lee, D., & Hwang, J. (2017). The effect of online platform maturity on the efficiency of offline industry, Telematics and Informatics.
  39. Lee S. O., Hong, A., & Hwang, J. (2017). ICT diffusion as a determinant of human progress, Information Technology for Development.
  40. Kim, H., Lee, H., & Hwang, J. (2017). Dividing network externality into the number of peers and users — focusing on sociability and enjoyment in online games, Information Technology & People.
  41. Na. H. S., Lee, D., Hwang, J. & Lee, C. (2017). Research on the mutual relations between ISP and ASP efficiency changes for the sustainable growth of the Internet industry. Applied Economics.
  42. Kim, K., Jung, S., Hwang, J., & Hong, A. (2017). A dynamic framework for analzying technology standardization using network analysis and game theory. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management.
  43. Oh, S., Hong, A., & Hwang, J. (2017). An analysis of CSR on firm financial performance in stakeholder perspectives. Sustainability, 9(6), 1023.
  44. Na, H. S., Hwang, J., Hong, J. Y. J. & Lee, D. (2017). Efficiency comparison of digital content providers with different pricing strategies. Telematics and Informatics, 34(2), 657-663.
  45. Kim, H., Lee, D., & Hwang, J. (2016). Measuring the efficiency of standardisation policy using meta-frontier analysis: a case of mobile platform standardisation. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 14(1), 79-98.
  46. Lee, C., & Hwang, J. (2016). The influence of giant platform on content diversity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, in press.
  47. Yu, E., Hong, A., & Hwang, J. (2016). A socio-technical analysis of factors affecting the adoption of smart TV in Korea. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 89-102.
  48. Manandhar, S. P., Kim, S., & Hwang, J. (2015). Success factors of online services in Kathmandu, Nepal: an empirical analysis. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 18(4), 422-436.
  49. Shin, D. H., Kim, H., & Hwang, J. (2015). Standardization revisited: A critical literature review on standards and innovation. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 38, 152-157.
  50. Lee, C., Lee, D., & Hwang, J. (2015). Platform openness and the productivity of content providers: A meta-frontier analysis. Telecommunications Policy, 39(7), 553-562.
  51. Yang, A., Lee, D., Hwang, J., & Shin, J. (2013). The influence of regulations on the efficiency of telecommunications operators: A meta-frontier analysis. Telecommunications Policy, 37(11), 1071-1082.
  52. Lee, D., & Hwang, J. (2012). Keeping the network neutral: Game theory analysis on Internet service provider discrimination against application service providers. International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information, 15(4), 1435.
  53. Jung, H., Kim, E., Kim, S., & Hwang, J. (2012). How diversification affects innovation by a Korean mobile content firm. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 10(5), 521-535.
  54. Yoon, H., Hwang, J., & Weiss, M. B. (2012). An analytic research on secondary-spectrum trading mechanisms based on technical and market changes. Computer Networks, 56(1), 3-19.
  55. Cho, Y., Hwang, J., & Lee, D. (2012). Identification of effective opinion leaders in the diffusion of technological innovation: A social network approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(1), 97-106.
  56. Choi, D. O., Oh, J., Kim, Y., & Hwang, J. (2012). Competition in the Korean Internet portal market: network effects, profit, and market efficiency. Review of Industrial Organization, 40(1), 51-73.
  57. Hee Lee, C., Lee, D., & Hwang, J. (2012). Research on public remuneration of open content based on collective license. Innovation, 14(4), 576-594.
  58. Hwang, J., Lee, D., & Lee, K. (2011). Internet pricing and network neutrality: how Internet pricing schemes affect the incentives of Internet service providers. International Telecommunications Policy Review, 18(1), 17-44.
  59. Hwang, J., & Kim, S. (2011). Factors affecting successful innovation by content-layer firms in Korea. The Service Industries Journal, 31(7), 1093-1107.
  60. Hong, A., Lee, D., & Hwang, J. (2011). Metafrontier production function analysis of horizontal and vertical integration in Korea's cable TV industry. Journal of Media Economics, 24(4), 221-236.
  61. Hwang, J., Kim, S. Y., Kim, H. J., & Park, J. (2011). An optimal trust management method to protect privacy and strengthen objectivity in utility computing services. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 10(02), 287-308.
  62. Lee, D., & Hwang, J. (2011). Network neutrality and difference in efficiency among Internet application service providers: A meta-frontier analysis. Telecommunications Policy, 35(8), 764-772.
  63. Hwang, J., Kim, H. J., & Park, J. (2010). Managing risks in an open computing environment using mean absolute deviation portfolio optimization. Future Generation Computer Systems, 26(8), 1381-1390.
  64. Hwang, J., & Lee, Y. (2010). External knowledge search, innovative performance and productivity in the Korean ICT sector. Telecommunications Policy, 34(10), 562-571.
  65. Syamsuddin, I., & Hwang, J. (2010). The use of AHP in security policy decision making: an open office calc application. Journal of Software, 5(10), 1162-1169.
  66. Abbasi, A., Altmann, J., & Hwang, J. (2010). Evaluating scholars based on their academic collaboration activities: two indices, the RC-index and the CC-index, for quantifying collaboration activities of researchers and scientific communities. Scientometrics, 83(1), 1-13.
  67. Suh, D., & Hwang, J. (2010). An analysis of the effect of software intellectual property rights on the performance of software firms in South Korea.Technovation, 30(5), 376-385.
  68. Hwang, J., & Yoon, H. (2009). A mixed spectrum management framework for the future wireless service based on techno-economic analysis: The Korean spectrum policy study. Telecommunications Policy, 33(8), 407-421.
  69. Hwang, J., Kim, E., & Kim, S. (2009). Factors affecting open technological innovation in open source software companies in Korea. Innovation, 11(3), 279-290.
  70. Al-mutawkkil, A., Heshmati, A., & Hwang, J. (2009). Development of telecommunication and broadcasting infrastructure indices at the global level. Telecommunications Policy, 33(3), 176-199.
  71. Hwang, J., Altmann, J., & Kim, K. (2009). The structural evolution of the Web 2.0 service network. Online Information Review, 33(6), 1040-1057.
  72. Hwang, J., Cho, Y., & Long, N. V. (2009). Investigation of factors affecting the diffusion of mobile telephone services: An empirical analysis for Vietnam. Telecommunications Policy, 33(9), 534-543.
  73. Okumus, I., Mantar, H., Hwang, J., & Chapin, S. (2009). Inter-Domain Traffic Engineering on Diffserv Networks: A Region-based Approach. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 85(10), 137-145.
  74. Hwang, J., Cho, Y. & Long, N. V. (2009). Investigation of factors affecting the diffusion of mobile telephone services: An empirical analysis for Vietnam. Telecommunications Policy, 33(9), 534-543.
  75. Hwang, J., Lee, Y. & Kim, S. (2009). Modeling Weblog Success: Case of Korea. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 15(8), 1589-1606.
  76. Altmann, J., Abbasi, A. & Hwang, J. (2009). Evaluating the Productivity of Researchers and Their Communities: the RP-Index and the CP-index. International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, 6(2).
  77. Hwang, J., & Weiss, M. B. (2008). Service differentiation economic models and analysis of market-based QoS interconnections. Telematics and Informatics, 25(4), 262-279.
  78. Aoun, D., & Hwang, J. (2008). The effects of cash flow and size on the investment decisions of ICT firms: A dynamic approach. Information Economics and Policy, 20(2), 120-134.
  79. Hwang, J., Shin, A., & Yoon, H. (2008, October). Incentives for Cooperative Relay in Heterogeneous Networks: A Dynamic Reputation-Based Approach. In APNOMS (pp. 527-530).
  80. Mantar, H. A., Okumus, I. T., Hwang, J., & Chapin S. J. (2008). Design and evaluation of inter-bandwidth broker signaling. International Journal of Communication Systems, 21(8), 843-861.
  81. Mantar, H. A., Okumus, I. T., Hwang, J., & Chapin S. (2006). A bandwidth-broker based inter- domain SLA negotiation. Autonomic Management of Mobile Multimedia Services, 134-140.
  82. Mantar, H. A., Okumus, I. T., Hwang, J., & Chapin S. J. (2006). A scalable intra-domain resource management architecture for DiffServ networks. Journal of High Speed Networks, 15(2), 185-205.
  83. Okumus, I. T., Mantar, H. A., Hwang, J., & Chapin, S. J. (2005). Inter-domain QoS routing on Diffserv networks: a region-based approach. Computer communications, 28(2), 174-188.
  84. Mantar, H. A., Hwang, J., Okumus, I. T., & Chapin, S. J. (2004). A scalable model for interbandwidth broker resource reservation and provisioning. IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications, 22(10), 2019-2034.
  85. Hwang, J., & Aravamudham, P. (2004). Middleware services for P2P computing in wireless grid networks. IEEE Internet Computing, 8(4), 40-46.
  86. Hwang, J., Kim, H. J., & Weiss, M. B. (2002). Interprovider differentiated service interconnection management models in the Internet bandwidth commodity markets. Telematics and Informatics, 19(4), 351-369.
  87. Hwang, J., Aravamudham, P., Liddy, E., Stanton, J., & MacInnes, I. (2002). Charging control and transaction accounting mechanisms using IRTL (information resource transaction layer) middleware for P2P services. From QoS Provisioning to QoS Charging, 239-249.

Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program