일반 공지사항

Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program

Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference(APPC) 2018 안내 (2018.07.04~07.06)

2017-09-15l 조회수 3787

Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC) 2018이 2018년 7월 4일부터 6일까지 서울대학교에서 개최됩니다.

본 학회는 본 과정 이정동 교수의 주도로 ‘Productivity, Innovation, and Sustainable Economic Growth with Changing Technology Paradigm이라는 주제로 열리게 됩니다.

본 학회와 관련된 정보는 학회 웹사이트 http://appcseoul2018.kr에서 확인 가능합니다.

APPC 2018과 관련된 제안  의견은 학회 매니저인 이정동 교수 (leejd@snu.ac.kr) 또는 박사과정 신기윤 (appcseoul2018@gmail.com)에게 연락바랍니다.

학회발표를 위한 논문 제출과 관련해서는 추후 공지하겠습니다.

Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC) 2018  
will be held in Seoul National University, Korea, July 4-6, 2018, to be organized by Prof. Jeong-Dong Lee (Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program), under the theme of "Productivity, Innovation, and Sustainable Economic Growth with Changing Technology Paradigm".

Related information on the conference is available at the web site at http://appcseoul2018.kr .

Suggestions and inputs for APPC 2018 can be sent to the principal coordinator Prof. Jeong-Dong Lee (leejd@snu.ac.kr) or the conference secretary Kiyoon Shin (appcseoul2018@gmail.com).

A formal call for papers will be ready later.