
Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program
윤현영 객원교수 사진
윤현영 객원교수
Hyen Young Yoon


  • ICT and Development
  • ICT policy and regulation
  • Digital Economy
  • Spectrum management policy
  • Artificial Intelligence and Ethics


  • Seoul National University Mar. 2014 – Present
  • Adjunct Professor, Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program, International IT Policy Program
  • : Lecture on ICT Policy and Emerging Technology
  • : Managing International IT Policy Program, SNU
  • : Research on IT Convergence and Policy
  • Korea Communications Agency May. 2010 – Feb. 2014
  • Senior Researcher, Broadcasting and Telecommunication Policy Research Department
  • : Spectrum Management Policy Research
  • : Broadcasting and Telecommunication Policy and Regulation Research
  • : ICT Policy Consultation
  • : Trend Analysis on Emerging Technology
  • New Media Telecommunication Research Lab., Seoul National University Sep. 2009 – Apr. 2010
  • Senior Researcher, New Media Telecommunication Research Lab.
  • : Spectrum Management Policy Research
  • : Broadcasting and Telecommunication Policy and Regulation Research
  • LG Electronics Co. Ltd., Jan. 2000 – Dec 2003
  • Research Engineer, Mobile Communication Technology Research Lab.
  • : Developed Base-station Modem ASIC for WCDMA System
  • : Developed Base-station Modem Firm-ware for WCDMA System
  • : Researched Global Standardization for WCDMA System

주요 논문

  1. Sergio Borja, Hyenyoung Yoon, Junseok Hwang “Mechanisms that influence IT Governance Effectiveness: Empirical Analysis in Colombia”, PICTMAT 2018
  2. Hyenyoung Yoon, "STI Collaboration for the Capacity Enhancement of ASEAN and Korea", ASEAN NEXT 2018, 19-20 March. 2018
  3. Simeon Arnaudov, Hyenyoung Yoon, Junseok Hwang “Technology implementation success model designed for educational rganizations”, 2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon-17), 13-15 Feb. 2017
  4. Masuda Isaeva, Hyenyoung Yoon, “Model of paperless university (case study of TUIT, Uzbekistan)”, 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 8-10 Sep. 2016
  5. Abdissa Y. Tiky, Hyenyoung Yoon, Hana Kim, Junseok Hwang “Determinants of Abandoning Innovation Activities: Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector”, The International Society for Professional Innovation Management 2017, 19-21 Jun. 2016
  6. Mohammad Mahdi Kashef, Hyenyoung Yoon, MehdiKeshavarz, JunseokHwang, “Decision Support Tool for IoT Service Providers for utilization of multi Clouds”, The 18th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology, PhoenixPark, Korea. Jan.31~Feb.3, 2016.
  7. Hyungjin PARK, Hyenyoung Yoon, JunseokHWANG,“Prospect of the Next-generation digital content industry: Three perspective approach to the User acceptance of the Realistic content technology”, The 18th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology, PhoenixPark, Korea. Jan.31~Feb.3, 2016.
  8. Hyenyoung Yoon, “전자정부 권역별 마스터플랜 수립 연구”, 전자정부 민관협력포럼 2015 정기학술세미나, 2015.12.17., 2015.
  9. Hyenyoung Yoon, "An analytic research on secondary-spectrum trading mechanisms based on technical and market changes", Computer Networks, Volume 56, Issue 1, 12 January 2012, (SCIE)
  10. Hyenyoung Yoon, "A Study on the Ex-Post Regulation within the content ecosystem in Korea", International Telecommunications Society 19th Biennial Conference, Bangkok, Nov 18~21, 2012
  11. Hyenyoung Yoon, Junseok Hwang, Martin B.H. Weiss, “ Research on secondary spectrum trading mechanisms based on technical and market changes", IEEE DySPAN 2010, Singapore, April. 6~9, 2010.
  12. Hyenyoung, Yoon, "A mixed spectrum management framework for the future wireless service based on techno-economic analysis: The Korean spectrum policy study", Telecommunications Policy 33, pp.407-421, 2009. (SCI/SSCI)
  13. Junseok Hwang, Andrei shin and Hyenyoung Yoon, "Incentives for Cooperative Relay in Heterogeneous Networks: A Dynamic Reputation-based approach", Challenges for Next Generation Network Operations and Service management of Lecture Notes of Computer Science 5297, pp.527-530, 2008 (SCI)
  14. Andrei, Shin and Hyenyoung, Yoon, "Dynamic Reputation-Based Incentive Mechanism Considering Heterogeneous Networks", ACM MSWiM 2008, Vancouver,Canada, Oct 27~31, 2008.
  15. Junseok Hwang, Roy consulta, Hyenyoung Yoon, "4G mobile networks - Technology Beyond 2.5G and 3G", Annual Review of Communications (61), International Engineering Consortium (IEC) Publication, ISBN: 978-1-931695923, 2008.10
  16. Hyenyoung, Yoon, "Dynamic Spectrum Management Policy for Cognitive Radio: An Analysis of Implementation Feasibility Issues". IEEE DySPAN 2008, Chicago, U.S.A., Oct. 14~17. 2008.
  17. Hyenyoung Yoon, “The policy and industry strategies for the development of WiBro service”, 2nd International Conference on ICT Development in Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov 8-11, 2007
  18. Hyenyoung, Yoon, “Comparison for future spectrum management regimes considering technology innovation”, International Telecommunication Society (ITS) 18th European Regional Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep2-4. 2007
  19. Junseok, Hwang, Roy Consulta, Hyenyoung, Yoon, “Analysis 4G Scenarios based on innovative technologies”, Pacific Telecommunication Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan13-17. 2007

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