- ICT and Development
- ICT policy and regulation
- Digital Economy
- Spectrum management policy
- Artificial Intelligence and Ethics
- Seoul National University Mar. 2014 – Present
- Adjunct Professor, Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program, International IT Policy Program
- : Lecture on ICT Policy and Emerging Technology
- : Managing International IT Policy Program, SNU
- : Research on IT Convergence and Policy
- Korea Communications Agency May. 2010 – Feb. 2014
- Senior Researcher, Broadcasting and Telecommunication Policy Research Department
- : Spectrum Management Policy Research
- : Broadcasting and Telecommunication Policy and Regulation Research
- : ICT Policy Consultation
- : Trend Analysis on Emerging Technology
- New Media Telecommunication Research Lab., Seoul National University Sep. 2009 – Apr. 2010
- Senior Researcher, New Media Telecommunication Research Lab.
- : Spectrum Management Policy Research
- : Broadcasting and Telecommunication Policy and Regulation Research
- LG Electronics Co. Ltd., Jan. 2000 – Dec 2003
- Research Engineer, Mobile Communication Technology Research Lab.
- : Developed Base-station Modem ASIC for WCDMA System
- : Developed Base-station Modem Firm-ware for WCDMA System
- : Researched Global Standardization for WCDMA System
주요 논문
- Sergio Borja, Hyenyoung Yoon, Junseok Hwang “Mechanisms that influence IT Governance Effectiveness: Empirical Analysis in Colombia”, PICTMAT 2018
- Hyenyoung Yoon, "STI Collaboration for the Capacity Enhancement of ASEAN and Korea", ASEAN NEXT 2018, 19-20 March. 2018
- Simeon Arnaudov, Hyenyoung Yoon, Junseok Hwang “Technology implementation success model designed for educational rganizations”, 2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon-17), 13-15 Feb. 2017
- Masuda Isaeva, Hyenyoung Yoon, “Model of paperless university (case study of TUIT, Uzbekistan)”, 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 8-10 Sep. 2016
- Abdissa Y. Tiky, Hyenyoung Yoon, Hana Kim, Junseok Hwang “Determinants of Abandoning Innovation Activities: Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector”, The International Society for Professional Innovation Management 2017, 19-21 Jun. 2016
- Mohammad Mahdi Kashef, Hyenyoung Yoon, MehdiKeshavarz, JunseokHwang, “Decision Support Tool for IoT Service Providers for utilization of multi Clouds”, The 18th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology, PhoenixPark, Korea. Jan.31~Feb.3, 2016.
- Hyungjin PARK, Hyenyoung Yoon, JunseokHWANG,“Prospect of the Next-generation digital content industry: Three perspective approach to the User acceptance of the Realistic content technology”, The 18th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology, PhoenixPark, Korea. Jan.31~Feb.3, 2016.
- Hyenyoung Yoon, “전자정부 권역별 마스터플랜 수립 연구”, 전자정부 민관협력포럼 2015 정기학술세미나, 2015.12.17., 2015.
- Hyenyoung Yoon, "An analytic research on secondary-spectrum trading mechanisms based on technical and market changes", Computer Networks, Volume 56, Issue 1, 12 January 2012, (SCIE)
- Hyenyoung Yoon, "A Study on the Ex-Post Regulation within the content ecosystem in Korea", International Telecommunications Society 19th Biennial Conference, Bangkok, Nov 18~21, 2012
- Hyenyoung Yoon, Junseok Hwang, Martin B.H. Weiss, “ Research on secondary spectrum trading mechanisms based on technical and market changes", IEEE DySPAN 2010, Singapore, April. 6~9, 2010.
- Hyenyoung, Yoon, "A mixed spectrum management framework for the future wireless service based on techno-economic analysis: The Korean spectrum policy study", Telecommunications Policy 33, pp.407-421, 2009. (SCI/SSCI)
- Junseok Hwang, Andrei shin and Hyenyoung Yoon, "Incentives for Cooperative Relay in Heterogeneous Networks: A Dynamic Reputation-based approach", Challenges for Next Generation Network Operations and Service management of Lecture Notes of Computer Science 5297, pp.527-530, 2008 (SCI)
- Andrei, Shin and Hyenyoung, Yoon, "Dynamic Reputation-Based Incentive Mechanism Considering Heterogeneous Networks", ACM MSWiM 2008, Vancouver,Canada, Oct 27~31, 2008.
- Junseok Hwang, Roy consulta, Hyenyoung Yoon, "4G mobile networks - Technology Beyond 2.5G and 3G", Annual Review of Communications (61), International Engineering Consortium (IEC) Publication, ISBN: 978-1-931695923, 2008.10
- Hyenyoung, Yoon, "Dynamic Spectrum Management Policy for Cognitive Radio: An Analysis of Implementation Feasibility Issues". IEEE DySPAN 2008, Chicago, U.S.A., Oct. 14~17. 2008.
- Hyenyoung Yoon, “The policy and industry strategies for the development of WiBro service”, 2nd International Conference on ICT Development in Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov 8-11, 2007
- Hyenyoung, Yoon, “Comparison for future spectrum management regimes considering technology innovation”, International Telecommunication Society (ITS) 18th European Regional Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep2-4. 2007
- Junseok, Hwang, Roy Consulta, Hyenyoung, Yoon, “Analysis 4G Scenarios based on innovative technologies”, Pacific Telecommunication Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan13-17. 2007