[과정행사] EGI seminar at Seoul National University: Showcasing Advancements in Scientific Data Management and Green Computing
Gergely Sipos, Head of Services, Solutions and Support Department of Stichting EGI, gave a seminar presentation at Seoul National University (SNU) on the 18th of October. Prof. Dr. Jörn Altmann, head of the IT Services Economics Group, a research group within the Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program of the School of Engineering Practice within the College of Engineering, hosted the talk.
The presentation, titled “Valorising scientific data with the EGI e-infrastructure”, provided an overview of EGI, the federated e-infrastructure offering advanced computing for science; a status about the European Open Science Cloud as the most prominent European initiative to offer a ‘system of systems’ for practicing open science; the GreenDIGIT project that under EGI’s technical coordination develops solutions for Research Infrastructures to lower their environmental impact; and finally the results of the bilateral project that EGI and KISTI from Korea completed recently.
The presentation was generated from the shared interest of SNU and EGI in lowering the environmental impact of computing. Prof. Altmann’s team is involved in the recently started Swarmchestrate EC project, where they develop resource allocation techniques within cloud-to-edge ecosystems, optimising workloads for energy efficiency and ecological sustainability. The topic resonates with EGI’s tasks in the GreenDIGIT EC project, where three EGI members - CNRS, CSIC and SZTAKI - are working on extensions to research compute frameworks, aiming to minimise their energy consumption for storage, transfer, CPU-GPU compute operations without degrading usage efficiency and scientific output. The partners agreed to regularly exchange future research findings and research plans with each other, helping both projects achieve a higher impact.

Dr. Song Sa-Kwang of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) gave a talk at TEMEP of Seoul National University about the work at the Research Data Sharing Center. The talk, which was hosted by Professor Jörn Altmann, was titled 'Introduction to Korea Research Data Commons'. It gave an overview about the services and statistics of the Korea Research Data Platform (DataON) and how the concepts of Korea Research Data Commons could be integrated into DataON. Overall, it lays the foundation for open science in Korea, allowing research data of different science disciplines to be available for other researchers.
The presentation, titled “Valorising scientific data with the EGI e-infrastructure”, provided an overview of EGI, the federated e-infrastructure offering advanced computing for science; a status about the European Open Science Cloud as the most prominent European initiative to offer a ‘system of systems’ for practicing open science; the GreenDIGIT project that under EGI’s technical coordination develops solutions for Research Infrastructures to lower their environmental impact; and finally the results of the bilateral project that EGI and KISTI from Korea completed recently.
The presentation was generated from the shared interest of SNU and EGI in lowering the environmental impact of computing. Prof. Altmann’s team is involved in the recently started Swarmchestrate EC project, where they develop resource allocation techniques within cloud-to-edge ecosystems, optimising workloads for energy efficiency and ecological sustainability. The topic resonates with EGI’s tasks in the GreenDIGIT EC project, where three EGI members - CNRS, CSIC and SZTAKI - are working on extensions to research compute frameworks, aiming to minimise their energy consumption for storage, transfer, CPU-GPU compute operations without degrading usage efficiency and scientific output. The partners agreed to regularly exchange future research findings and research plans with each other, helping both projects achieve a higher impact.

Caption: Gergely Sipos demonstrating EGI’s support for scientific research through an AI based image annotation system developed in the iMagine project.

Dr. Song Sa-Kwang of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) gave a talk at TEMEP of Seoul National University about the work at the Research Data Sharing Center. The talk, which was hosted by Professor Jörn Altmann, was titled 'Introduction to Korea Research Data Commons'. It gave an overview about the services and statistics of the Korea Research Data Platform (DataON) and how the concepts of Korea Research Data Commons could be integrated into DataON. Overall, it lays the foundation for open science in Korea, allowing research data of different science disciplines to be available for other researchers.