이정동 교수
Jeong-Dong Lee
- Phone : 02-880-8386
- Office : 37동 323호
- Website : https://sites.google.com/view/iepgsnu
- E-mail : leejd@snu.ac.kr
- Industry and firm dynamics
- Productivity and efficiency analysis
- Evolutionary economics
- Innovation economics
- Innovation policy
- B.S, Seoul National University
- M.S, Seoul National University
- Ph.D, Seoul National University
- 서울대학교 공과대학 교수(1999- 현재)
- 한국생산성학회 회장 (2011)
- 한국기업경영학회 회장 (2017)
- 한국공학한림원 정회원 (2018-현재)
- Editor, Science and Public Policy, Oxford Journal (2018-현재)
- Principal Coordinator, Asia Pacific Productivity Conference (2018)
- Editorial Board Member, Technovation (2016-현재)
- 한국생산성학회, 학술상 (2003)
- 신양공학학술상, 서울대학교 공과대학 (2011)
주요 논문
- Dawoon Jeong and Jeong-Dong Lee (2024), Where and How Does a Product Evolve? Product Innovation Pattern in Product Lineage, Technovation. 131. 102958.
- Seung Hwan Kim, Bogang Jun, Jeong-Dong Lee. (2023), Technological relatedness: how do firms diversify their technology?. Scientometrics, 128, 4901–4931.
- Hoyoon Lee, Dawoon Jeong, Jeong-Dong Lee (2023), Drivers of Institutional Evolution Phylogenetic Inertia and Ecological Pressure, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 33(2), 279-308.
- Jeong-Dong Lee, Dawoon Jeong, Euy-Young Jung, Yunyoung Kim, Jiyong Kim, Youwei He, Sungjun Choi (2022), Mapping the Evolutionary Pattern of Mobile Products: A Phylogenetic Approach, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 4776-4790.
- Wonsub Eum, Jeong-Dong Lee (2022), Co-evolution of production and technological capabilities during industrial development, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 63, 454-469.
- Jungsub Yoon, Dong-hyun Oh, Yoonhwan Oh, Jeong-Dong Lee (2022), Reconsideration of new product development planning based on the relationship between product complexity and product lifetime: the case of the Korean mobile phone market, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 36(2), 306-318.
- Jung-In Yeon, Jeong-Dong Lee, and Chulwoo Baek (2021), A Tale of Two Technological Capabilities: Economic Growth Revisited from a Technological Capability Transition Perspective, Journal of Technology Transfer, 46(3), 574-605.
- Jeong-Dong Lee, Keun Lee, Dirk Meissner, Slavo Radosevic, Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds.), (2021). The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Won-Sik Hwang, Yeongjun Yeo, Inha Oh, Chanyoung Hong, Sungmoon Jung, Heewon Yang, and Jeong-Dong Lee (2021), CGE analysis of R&D investment policy considering trade-offs between economic growth and stability, Science and Public Policy, 48(3), 295-308.
- Yeongjun Yeo and Jeong-Dong Lee (2020), Revitalizing the Race between Technology and Education: Investigating the Growth Strategy for the Knowledge-based Economy based on a CGE analysis, Technology in Society, 62, 101295.
- Taewon Kang, Chulwoo Baek, and Jeong-Dong Lee (2019). Effects of knowledge accumulation strategies through experience and experimentation on firm growth. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144, 169-181.